165 years... one family

“165 years, seven generations, one family” is how the feature article in the Lansing State Journal begins.

Wow. What an accomplishment. And I am humbled as I write this. Though we didn’t go out looking for the glory, it is an honor none the less. You see, a post encouraging local kids to come out to the farm and spend weeks of their summer vacations with us in a corn field caught the eye of a local reporter, who had spent her summers detasseling seed corn in Southwest Michigan. It was enduring to talk with her about her detasseling memories. And also the photographer, who was fascinated with what we were doing here on our farm. We walked the farm yard, toured the processing facility (which was running our 2022 small grains), talked with employees, and demonstrated how and why we hire local kids to work summer after summer. Thanks to the LSJ for the feature story. We had fun!

165 years... one family… Read it here!